United States

Founded In 2020 Orlando,USA

1. "Do NOT get out of the car to greet the officer if you're pulled over by a cop. Stay in the car and let the officer come to you. If you need to reach for something like your license, tell the cop you are doing so before you do it."

2. "Not often mentioned but Americans like personal space. Leave room between you and the person you're speaking to or lining up behind."

3. "Never cut in line."

4. "Politics...don't ever EVER bring up politics"

5. "Unless it is a clear and dire emergency, you ask someone if they need an ambulance before you call for one. It's the most expensive taxi you will ever take and it can ruin most people financially for years."

6. "Do NOT hitchhike. It is not safe here."

7. " have to tip if you go to a dine-in/takeout restaurant. You don't have to tip Subway or Pizza Hut or any other national franchise restaurant like that."

8. "Reusing the same plate when you go up for a second round at the buffet. You've got to get a new one."

9. "Be careful not to trespass on private property."

10. "Conversations about religion, politics, or other personal beliefs. It will most likely devolve into one person trying to convince another that their viewpoint is correct and that the listener is wrong."

11. "When dining out, the waiter comes to you. It is considered rude to call the waiter over."

12. "Walking places in the suburbs or smaller cities. It's dangerous and you'll be seen as suspicious. I've had friends get towed because they parked in front of one store and then walked across the street to another."